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Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues

In November 2017 I attended a class at CVS CoLab to sharpen up my recording skills and make a podcast. The subject of the podcast - Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - was triggered by my finding out that Exeter had been host to many chart-topping bands in the 1960s, including the Beatles, Stones and Led Zep. I wondered why it was that now we have to travel to Bristol to see major bands and decided to make a podcast about historic rock venues in central Exeter.

One of my early sources of information was the excellent Exeter Memories web site run by David Cornforth. However, I wanted to get some personal reminiscenses, and so made an appeal on the Exeter Memories facebook site. This resulted in an unexpected deluge of information, which I couldn't reflect in a 15 minute podcast.

I've now nearly completed the podcast but am hoping to extend the project to record those who responded to my appeal for information.

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