I have now added photos to my detailed blog for One Year Later (Plymouth Art Weekender, September 2018) and for Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues ... and other stories (Art Week Exeter, May 2018). Here is a link.
Our second Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues was broadcast in our new permanent slot of 4 to 6pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month on 11th October. You can access it on Mixcloud here . You can contact us with comments, information or photos on facebook via the tag @exeters.vanished.rock.venues or you can email us at vanished.venues@gmail.com. Our next broadcast will be on 8th November.

One Year Later is happening this weekend as part of Plymouth Art Weekender. We're venue number 29 and are in Studio 11 next to the Co-op in Regent Street (behind the main PCA building). Hope to see you there.