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Great news - Today we heard that the Analogue Collective has been successful in an application for a table at Counter, Plymouth's art book fair, on 17th March 2018. The Analogue Collective consists of a wide group of artist friends: Whitney-Anne Baker, Cress de la Fosse, David Harbott, Clare Heaton, Angela Hilton, David Mylor, Dan Pritchard, Laura Reeves, Rachel Rose, Karen Tarr, Matt Thomas and me. We're looking forward to participating in this brilliant event, which features in Kevin Hunt's artist-led Hot 100 artist initiatives.

In November 2017 I attended a class at CVS CoLab to sharpen up my recording skills and make a podcast. The subject of the podcast - Exeter's Vanished Rock Venues - was triggered by my finding out that Exeter had been host to many chart-topping bands in the 1960s, including the Beatles, Stones and Led Zep. I wondered why it was that now we have to travel to Bristol to see major bands and decided to make a podcast about historic rock venues in central Exeter.

One of my early sources of information was the excellent Exeter Memories web site run by David Cornforth. However, I wanted to get some personal reminiscenses, and so made an appeal on the Exeter Memories facebook site. This resulted in an unexpected deluge of information, which I couldn't reflect in a 15 minute podcast.

I've now nearly completed the podcast but am hoping to extend the project to record those who responded to my appeal for information.

Earlier this year I attended a 'Walkshop' at Bitton, run by Christina Sanders of Write the Map. I plan to post about this after the upcoming feedback event. However, this reminded me that during the past few years I have participated in a number of psychogeographic or art walks. Each of them was highly individual. So I've brought together blog links about the best of them here:

Earthwalking with Anne-Marie Culhane (July 2015)

Leaving the Building with Simon Persighetti (August 2015)

Baltic Wharf Misguide with Phil Smith (September 2015)

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